What to Expect

At the Apostolic Church we adhere to the Apostles doctrine. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8. All of God's power and abilities remain the same regardless of time.  God is as real and personal today as ever, because he does not change!

We believe that God is real and can change peoples lives for the better!  The New Testament is a witness to the power of Jesus' ministry as it records him healing lepers, feeding thousands with a few fragments, raising the dead, forgiving sin, calming storms and restoring minds to those that are spiritually oppressed or possessed.

We conduct our services in a manner to promote a move of God's spirit - essentially a real experience with God.  As such, you will find prayer, worship, prayer requests, personal testimony, anointing singing, teaching and preaching in our services.

While all of our services share a common pattern and the above referenced elements are included, below is a description of the primary focus of our various services.


SUNDAY MORNING (10am) - this service is primarily focused on Bible instruction.  Children are encouraged to attend Sunday school where the will hear a lesson and be involved in group activities.  The Adult class will focus on doctrinal instruction from the Bible.

SUNDAY EVENING (6pm) - in this service we promote praise and worship through exhortation and anointed singing.  Sermons are generally focused on an evangelistic topic.

TUESDAY PRAYER (7:00pm) - everyone is encouraged to join for corporate prayer in the church sanctuary.  "My house shall be called a house of prayer..." 

THURSDAY EVENING (7:30pm) - this service is focused on church members (generally) and includes doctrinal instruction, daily living and practical experiences living for God.

REVIVAL SERVICES - during revival services we promote praise & worship, prayer and preaching in each service.  The objective of Revival is to "revive" the saints and reach for new guests that need God.  These services generally involve faith preaching and challenges for individuals to draw closer to God.